How to write the best prompts for ChatGPT
ChatGPT requires writing 'prompts,' which is really just a fancy way of saying you’re asking it a question. Learn how you to improve your prompt writing skills to get better results.


Last week we shared with you how you can get started using AI. Now we’ll go a step further on how you can improve your prompt writing skills to get better results from ChatGPT.

Using ChatGPT requires writing 'prompts,' which is really just a technical way of saying you’re asking it a question. That may sound simple enough, but ChatGPT can give you wildly different responses depending on your prompt. ChatGPT can provide insightful answers, generate creative content, or assist with complex problem-solving, all at your command. But here's the catch: to tap into its full potential, you must know how to ask the right questions.

Writing good prompts is the key to unlocking the capabilities of ChatGPT and other AI models. It's not just a matter of convenience; it's the difference between receiving meaningful, relevant responses and getting lost in a sea of digital noise. Even if you don't have a background in coding or AI, you can harness the power of these AI models effectively with the right prompts. In this guide, we'll dive into the importance of prompt writing and equip you with the skills you need to make the most out of your AI interactions. So, let's get straight to it and discover why writing good prompts is the secret sauce to AI success.

5 tips for writing the best ChatGPT prompts

Tip #1: Be Clear and Specific

Clarity and specificity are your best friends when it comes to getting the most out of ChatGPT.

The significance of clarity: Imagine you're at a restaurant, and the server asks, "What would you like to order?" If you don’t specify your choice or give a clear answer, you might end up with something you didn't want. Similarly, when interacting with AI, an unclear prompt can result in responses that miss the mark. The AI might guess your intent if you're vague or ambiguous, leading to less accurate or relevant answers.

Why specificity matters: On the other hand, specificity is like giving the server a detailed order: "I'd like a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and a side of garlic bread." Your request is clear, and there's no room for misunderstanding. In the AI world, you'll receive responses that directly address your query and provide the information or insights you're looking for.

Examples speak louder: Let's dive into some examples to illustrate the point.

Unclear prompt: "Tell me about computers."In this case, the AI may generate a general overview of computers, but it won't address your specific interests or questions.

Clear and specific prompt: "Can you explain the advantages of solid-state drives (SSDs) over traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) in terms of speed and durability?"Now, the AI has a precise target, and you're more likely to receive a detailed and on-point response.

Remember, the clearer and more specific you are in your prompts, the better ChatGPT can assist you. So, when crafting your queries, think of it as placing a well-defined order – you'll get exactly what you asked for, making your interactions with AI much more productive and rewarding.

Tip #2: Provide context and relevant information

Have you ever had a conversation where someone jumps into a topic without context, leaving you puzzled? It's a bit like that when you interact with ChatGPT. To make the most out of your AI conversations, offering context and relevant details is crucial.

The power of context: Context acts as the guiding star for ChatGPT, helping it understand your queries better. Just as you'd appreciate it if someone told you what they were talking about before asking a question, ChatGPT works more effectively when you provide some background. Context sets the stage, making your prompts clearer and more relevant.

Enhancing response quality: Consider this scenario: you want to know the best time to plant tomatoes. An incomplete prompt like "When should I plant tomatoes?" could yield a generic response. But if you provide context by saying, "I live in New York; when should I plant tomatoes in this region?" you're offering valuable information that can lead to a more accurate and tailored response.

Examples that shine: Let's look at some examples to illustrate the difference:

Vague prompt: "Tell me about space."ChatGPT might provide general information about space without context, but it won't know if you're interested in space exploration, astronomy, or something else entirely.

Context-rich prompt: "I'm planning a stargazing trip next month. Can you share some tips for identifying constellations with a telescope?"With context, ChatGPT can now offer specific advice, enhancing the quality of your answer.

So, when crafting your prompts, think about what information ChatGPT needs to understand your question better. Providing context and relevant details is like giving your AI companion a roadmap to guide it to the precise destination you have in mind. It's a simple yet powerful way to ensure your interactions are engaging and informative.

Tip #3: Tell it the length of the response you want

When crafting your GPT prompts, consider including the desired response length. This can be as specific as mentioning the word count you aim for or providing a range of acceptable lengths. This approach prevents you from receiving overly lengthy responses when looking for a concise answer or vice versa.

For instance, if you need a quick summary of a complex topic, you can request a response of around 50 words. On the other hand, if you're delving into a detailed explanation, you might specify a response length of 300-500 words. By setting these expectations, you streamline your AI interactions, ensuring that the information you receive is relevant and tailored to your requirements. It's a simple yet effective way to optimize your conversations with ChatGPT.

Tip #4: Ask it to help you come up with a prompt

Here's a unique twist in your quest for the perfect prompt: let the AI brainstorm for you. Yes, you read that correctly! You can turn to ChatGPT to craft the ideal prompt based on your specific requirements and then use that very prompt in your conversation with the AI.

The concept is simple but incredibly effective. You harness the AI model's vast knowledge base and pattern recognition capabilities to generate prompt ideas you might not have considered.

To effectively leverage this strategy, it's key to formulate your request precisely and specifically, outlining the exact parameters you require. For example, if you're tasked with writing a research paper on renewable energy, you can seek assistance from ChatGPT in crafting a tailored prompt.

Not great prompt: "I need a prompt for a research paper on renewable energy."

Why it's not great: This prompt is somewhat vague and lacks specificity. It mentions the general topic of renewable energy but doesn't provide any clear guidelines or requirements for the prompt.

Great prompt: "I'm looking to create a prompt for a research paper on renewable energy. Specifically, I need the prompt to focus on the latest advancements in solar panel technology, the environmental benefits of solar energy, and potential future innovations. Please structure the prompt in a way that guides me to explore these aspects thoroughly in my research."

Why it's great: This prompt is highly detailed and specific. It requests a prompt for a research paper on renewable energy and outlines the precise focus areas, including solar panel technology advancements, environmental benefits, and future innovations. Additionally, it specifies the desired structure of the prompt to ensure a comprehensive exploration of these aspects in the research paper.

Tip #5: Experiment and iterate

Don't be afraid to roll up your sleeves and explore the versatility of ChatGPT. Experiment with various prompts to witness how this AI responds to different queries.

Remember, your first prompt might not always give you the perfect response, and that's absolutely fine. To get quality results, you’ll need to embrace the iteration process. It's a dynamic learning experience that allows you to achieve better results and harness the full potential of ChatGPT. You'll discover slight query tweaks can lead to remarkably different responses. So, let curiosity be your guide as you experiment and iterate to uncover AI's limitless possibilities.


So, when writing AI prompts, here are a few fundamental truths. Writing clear, specific, and context-rich prompts isn't just important; it's the cornerstone for unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT. It's the art of guiding your digital companion towards providing meaningful, relevant responses tailored to your needs.

Remember, how you frame your questions sets the stage for the quality of the answers you receive. Whether seeking knowledge, creativity, or assistance with complex tasks, success starts with the right prompt.

Armed with these insights, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive in. Start experimenting with your prompts right away. Start iterating and experimenting with ChatGPT.

Are you ready to write your first prompt or build your first workflow on Respell but need help? Book a consultation with an AI specialist. We’ll help you get up and running for free. Email us → 😄

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